- Digg
- Del.icio.us
- StumbleUpon
- Squidoo
- Furl
- BlinkList
- Blogmarks.net
- Ma.gnolia
- Simpy
- Spurl
- BlinkBits
- Shadows
- Raw Sugar
- Yahoo MyWeb
Would you add any others? Do you have a social bookmarking favorite, please send us a comment and share it.
Would you add any others? Do you have a social bookmarking favorite, please send us a comment and share it.
Hopefully you can see the value and power of social bookmarks. You can think of it as viral or guerrilla marketing in a way. It can be a powerful grassroots method of marketing your site. Be careful though, like everything else on the web you can spam these sites and make your list of bookmarks appear unappealing or an obvious marketing ploy which will net you very little.